A Meta-Analysis of Reform-based Professional Development in STEM: Implications for Effective Praxis

Eloise Kuehnert, Marti Cason, Jamaal Young, Sarah Pratt
503 173


A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to examine the effects of reform-based professional development on mathematics and science teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). An exhaustive literature search returned 15 studies, from which 21 independent effect sizes were extracted. These studies included, K-12 pre- and in-service mathematics and science teachers as participants (N = 1,044). The mean overall effect size was statistically significant (d = 0.51, p < 0.001). Heterogeneity analysis revealed consistency throughout the studies based on a non-significant value for the Q statistic. This suggests that the variance between studies was not more than what would be expected by random error. The variation in study characteristics warranted an examination of possible moderators, despite the absence of statistically significant heterogeneity. Teacher type (in-service vs. pre-service), subject (mathematics vs. science), and outcome measures were all non-statistically significant moderators of the effect size. The results of this study are substantial because they suggest that the effects of reform-based professional development are consistent across settings and teaching populations. Additionally, this suggests that the relationship between reform-based professional development and PCK are robust. Other implications and recommendations for professional development to maximize opportunities to learn in STEM classrooms are also provided.


Pedagogical content knowledge, STEM, Professional development, Meta-analysis

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Kuehnert, E., Cason, M., Young, J. & Pratt, S. (2019). A meta-analysis of reform-based professional development in STEM: Implications for effective praxis. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 2(1), 60-68.


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