Towards a New Era of Flexibility: Student and Staff Reflections on Online Learning

Sarah L. Buglass, Paula C. Stacey, Duncan Guest
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Higher Education is in the midst of a digital revolution, with institutions bidding to harness the potential of technology. Periods of online learning experienced during recent times have accelerated the move towards widespread adoption, affording institutions the opportunity to evaluate and reflect on digitally mediated approaches. This report focuses on student (n = 584) and staff (n = 54) experiences of online teaching and learning in a large UKHEI Psychology department. Findings from mixed methods surveys suggest that while staff and students were largely satisfied with the online teaching and learning experience, differences were evident in undergraduate and postgraduate perceptions. Further, a thematic analysis identified emergent themes from staff (teaching and working online, student engagement with online learning and looking to the future) and student (experiences of emergency provision, accessing support, and teaching methods) qualitative responses. This paper reflects on how the perceptions and experience of online learning will influence the future success of flexible online learning in a post-pandemic era of Higher Education.


Online teaching, Higher education, Flexible learning, Strengths, Challenges

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Buglass, S.L., Stacey, P.C., & Guest, D. (2024). Towards a new era of flexibility: Student and staff reflections on online learning. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(4), 667-689.



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