Exploring the Integration of ChatGPT in Inquiry-based Learning: Teacher Perspectives
Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Inquiry-based, Science educationAbstract
ChatGPT, an AI-powered service known for its effective delivery of information and solutions, has the potential to transform education, scientific problem-solving, and student learning. However, to fully harness its advantages, understanding the pedagogical approach needed is essential. This study explores teachers' awareness of ChatGPT and the inquiry-based learning (IBL) 5E model, examines ChatGPT's effective use within IBL, and investigates teachers' perceptions and experiences when integrating ChatGPT into the IBL framework. Employing an exploratory qualitative approach, this research gains insight into teachers' perspectives on ChatGPT's integration into IBL. The study involves two distinct focus groups comprising Junior Secondary School (JSS) and Senior Secondary School (SSS) science teachers in Nigeria. The findings highlight that while some teachers have actively integrated ChatGPT into the IBL 5E model and are already experiencing its benefits, others are at varying stages of awareness and adoption. The interest and curiosity expressed by some teachers suggest a potential for broader adoption as educators become more familiar with ChatGPT's capabilities within the context of IBL. This aligns with the idea that technology integration often involves a phased approach, with early adopters paving the way for broader usage.References
Adeyele, V.O. & Ramnarain, U. (2024). Exploring the integration of ChatGPT in inquiry-based learning: Teacher perspectives. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(2), 200-217. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.638
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