e-Learning Objects Designing Approach for Programming-based Problem Solving
e-learning objects, Programming-based problem solvingAbstract
Problem solving techniques are one of the primary topics introduced to the computing and information technology students in tertiary education. In general, those techniques are presented using a collection of traditional tools, such as texts, graphs, illustrations, procedural steps, pseudocodes, algorithms, and flowcharts. In many cases, there is no direct link between problem-solving from one side and the techniques and the programming structures used from the other side. This paper presents an approach that exploits computer interactive animations and graphics to implement learning objects for teaching and learning problem-solving based on computer programming. The main feature of this approach is its smoothness in associating the programming concepts and structures provided to the solution of a designated problem. Moreover, the developed learning objects are featured by the characteristic of reusability and easiness of inclusion in e-learning systems. The designed learning object can function as a workable hands-on model for the learners to get experience in pro. The technique we developed for the design and implementation of the learning objects for programming-based problem-solving can be utilized in other problem-solving subjects.References
Basuhail, A. (2019). e-Learning objects designing approach for programming-based problem solving. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 2(1), 32-41.
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